to the Victoria All Fun Mixed Slo-Pitch League!
We welcome players and teams of all levels of ability and stress the FUN in getting out once a week to socialize and play some ball.
For those considering joining the league:
Cost (2025): $900 for new teams and $850 for returning teams. This includes 13 games from mid April to mid July and includes 2 tournaments, a one day event on May 10th and a weekend tournament July 12/13. We are non profit with all fees going to pay for our fields, insurance and year end tournament prizes. We have an executive team and can take a maximum of 12 teams this season.
We play mixed slo-pitch: 4 women, 6 men. We play a 2 base maximum (no home runs). Games start at 6:30 pm and run about 90 minutes. Teams require a minimum of 15 players to ensure they can field a team each week. Players must be 19 years of age or older.
To Join: We hold a General Meeting every March (scheduled in 2025 for: Friday, March 14th 2025, 5:45pm at Pro Pat Legion (411 Gorge Road East - upstairs boardroom)) to finalize our planning for the coming season. If you are interested in joining the league in 2025, please contact our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) as early as possible in Feb of 2024. Note: All players will be required to sign our "code of conduct" and our "insurance liability waiver".
Our name says it all: ALL FUN. Some teams are more talented than others, but all teams focus on the fun of the game with competition being low on the agenda.